How Does Your Overall Health Affect Your Smile?

Categories: Oral Health

Educating Comstock Park Dental Patients About Little-Known Risks

Dr. Stewart and Dr. Hull at Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park treat and educate patients with tooth and gum problems. There are many common medical conditions that pose a risk to oral health.

1) Diabetic patients with high blood glucose often have a higher risk of dental issues.

2) A persistent dry mouth due to an inadequate amount of saliva can accelerate tooth decay, cause or contribute to gum disease, and trigger chronic bad breath. Many medications used by thousands of Belmont, Cedar Springs, Grand Rapids, Sparta, Walker and Rockford MI residents, including those for high-blood pressure and depression, can cause dry mouth. This side effect is not only unpleasant, but it is dangerous. Anti-depressants (especially SSRIs) and anti-psychotic drugs can also trigger tooth-grinding (bruxism).

3) Acid reflux in children and adults is associated with several dental problems such as decay and periodontal disease.

We help many dental patients prevent problems associated with medical conditions that sometimes seem unrelated to dental health. Regular professional dental care is essential for oral health, and an important part of your overall physical health.

Dr. Stewart and Dr. Hull
Stewart and Hull Aesthetic and General Dentistry
769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan 49321