Battling Bad Breath with the Help of Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in the Grand Rapids Area

Battling Bad Breath Causes and Prevention with the Help of Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in the Grand Rapids Area

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and distressing issue.

However, understanding its root causes and seeking professional guidance can help you maintain fresh and pleasant breaths. Let’s review some common causes of bad breath and how Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in the Grand Rapids area can be your ally in preventing bad breath and keeping your confidence high.

The Usual Suspects of Bad Breath

Poor Oral Hygiene: One of the primary reasons for bad breath is inadequate oral hygiene. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, food particles and bacteria can accumulate in your mouth, leading to an unpleasant odor.

Gum Disease: Untreated gum disease can produce a foul odor. The pockets created by gum recession can trap bacteria and food particles, contributing to bad breath.

Dental Issues: Cavities, infected teeth, and abscesses can release unpleasant odors. These issues should be addressed promptly by a dental professional.

Dry Mouth: Saliva plays a crucial role in rinsing away bacteria and food particles in the mouth. Dry mouth, often caused by certain medications or medical conditions, can lead to bad breath.

Diet and Lifestyle: Consuming strongly flavored foods like garlic and onions can lead to temporary bad breath. Additionally, smoking and alcohol can contribute to foul odors.

How Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry Can Help Prevent Bad Breath

Comprehensive Dental Cleanings: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings at Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in the Grand Rapids area are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. Our dental professionals can remove plaque and tartar buildup that brushing and flossing alone can’t reach.

Treatment of Dental Issues: If you have cavities, gum disease, or other dental problems contributing to bad breath, our team can provide effective treatment to resolve these issues.

Oral Hygiene Guidance: We offer guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, including the use of mouthwash and tongue scrapers to eliminate bacteria.

Addressing Dry Mouth: If dry mouth is a concern, our dental experts can recommend strategies to alleviate this condition and reduce the risk of bad breath.

Lifestyle Recommendations: Our professionals can advise on dietary choices and lifestyle changes to help you maintain fresh breath.

Bad breath doesn’t have to be a persistent issue in your life. Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in the Grand Rapids area is your partner in preventing and overcoming this common problem. By addressing the underlying causes of bad breath, maintaining excellent oral hygiene, and seeking professional guidance, you can enjoy the confidence that comes with a fresh and pleasant breath.

Don’t let bad breath hold you back; schedule a visit with Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry today and embark on a journey toward lasting oral health and confidence in every breath you take.




769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan

Unmasking the Threat of Gum Disease and At-Risk Individuals in Grand Rapids

Unmasking the Threat of Gum Disease and At-Risk Individuals in Grand Rapids

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a stealthy adversary that can creep into our mouths with little warning.

For some individuals, the risk of developing gum disease is significantly higher due to various factors. Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry, located near Grand Rapids, is dedicated to shedding light on the importance of understanding gum disease risk factors and providing tailored care for those who need it most.

The Hidden Menace: Gum Disease

Gum disease is a progressive condition that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth, including the gums and bone. It typically begins with gingivitis, which can manifest as red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss and impact overall health.

At-Risk Individuals: Who is Vulnerable?

Smokers: Smoking is a significant risk factor for gum disease. It weakens the immune system and reduces blood flow to the gums, making it harder for the body to fight off infections.

Diabetics: Diabetes can compromise the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels, making those with the condition more susceptible to infections, including gum disease.

Hormonal Changes: Women experiencing hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause, may be at increased risk of gum disease due to hormonal fluctuations that affect gum health.

Family History: A genetic predisposition to gum disease can make individuals more vulnerable, as it can affect the body’s immune response to oral bacteria.

Medications: Certain medications, such as antihypertensive drugs and antipsychotics, can lead to dry mouth, reducing saliva production and increasing the risk of gum disease.

Stress: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making it harder for the body to fend off infections, including those in the gums.

Prevention and Care at Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry

At Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry, we are committed to treating gum disease and educating our patients about their risk factors and how to prevent its onset. Our approach is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and circumstances.

Comprehensive Assessments: Our team conducts thorough oral examinations to assess the health of your gums and identify any signs of gum disease.

Personalized Treatment Plans: If gum disease is detected, we create customized treatment plans that may include scaling and root planing, laser therapy, or other appropriate interventions.

Education and Prevention: We empower our patients with knowledge about proper oral hygiene practices and lifestyle changes that can reduce their risk of gum disease.

Regular Check-Ups: Routine dental check-ups are essential for early detection and prevention of gum disease. We recommend regular visits to monitor your oral health.

Gum disease can be a silent threat, especially for at-risk individuals. Understanding the risk factors and seeking timely care is crucial to maintaining not only a healthy smile but also overall well-being. At Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry near Walker, we support you in your journey to gum health. Don’t let gum disease remain hidden; take proactive steps to protect your oral and overall health.

Schedule an appointment with us today and let us be your partners in a lifetime of healthy smiles.





769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan

The Vital Importance of Caring for Your Gums in Michigan

The Vital Importance of Caring for Your Gums in Michigan

When it comes to maintaining oral health, many people focus primarily on their teeth.

However, the significance of gum care should never be overlooked. Healthy gums play a crucial role in overall oral well-being and are essential for preserving the stability and longevity of your teeth.

Let’s look at a few reasons why it’s important to take care of your gums…

The health of your gums is closely linked to your overall well-being. Research has established a connection between gum disease and several systemic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory issues, and complications during pregnancy. By prioritizing gum care with Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry, you can reduce the risk of these health problems and maintain your overall physical well-being.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a prevalent oral condition that affects the tissues surrounding the teeth. It starts with gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease characterized by gum recession, bone loss, and potential tooth loss. By practicing good oral hygiene, which includes regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups at Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry, you can prevent gum disease and its associated complications.

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. When gum health deteriorates, the supporting tissues and bone structure around the teeth weaken, compromising their stability. By taking care of your gums, you can maintain the integrity of the supporting structures and preserve your natural teeth for a lifetime. This not only contributes to better oral function but also enhances your appearance and self-confidence.

Unhealthy gums can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms. As gum disease progresses, you may experience symptoms such as bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, gum sensitivity, and gum recession. These symptoms can lead to pain, discomfort, and difficulty in eating, speaking, and enjoying daily activities. By maintaining good gum health, you can prevent these unpleasant symptoms and ensure a pain-free oral condition.

Your gums play a significant role in the aesthetics of your smile. Healthy gums provide a frame for your teeth, and their proper positioning and color contribute to an attractive smile. In contrast, gum disease can cause gum recession, making the teeth appear longer and creating an uneven gumline. By caring for your gums, you can achieve a harmonious balance between your gums and teeth, enhancing the overall beauty of your smile.

Confidence is essential for personal and professional success, and your oral health plays a significant role in your self-assurance. Unhealthy gums can lead to issues such as bad breath and an unattractive smile, which can negatively impact your confidence in social and professional interactions. By investing in gum care with Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry, you can maintain fresh breath, a vibrant smile, and the confidence to engage fully in every aspect of your life.

Taking care of your gums is not just an afterthought; it is a vital aspect of maintaining optimal oral health.

Healthy gums contribute to overall well-being, help prevent gum disease, preserve natural teeth, and enhance aesthetics. By practicing good oral hygiene, attending regular dental check-ups at Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry, and being mindful of gum health, you can enjoy a beautiful smile, avoid painful complications, and promote your long-term oral and overall health.

Remember, caring for your gums is an investment in your well-being and a key component of a confident and fulfilling life.

Contact Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


Preventing Gum Disease At Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry

Preventing Gum Disease at Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry Run your tongue along the gumline behind your lower front teeth. Do you feel a ridge? This is probably tartar or dental calculus.

Even if you brush and floss regularly, plaque and tartar can gradually accumulate. If not removed, these bacteria-breeding substances cause the gums to become irritated and swollen. Eventually, the gums become detached from the tooth, creating a ‘pocket’. This creates a new space for plaque and tartar to grow. In advanced stages of periodontal disease, the toxins created by the bacteria literally rot the gum, teeth, and bone.

At Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park, we perform the most thorough dental cleanings possible. Gum disease can be reversed in its early stages.

Our goal is to help our Grand Rapids dental patients prevent gum disease before any damage occurs. Cleanings include root planing and periodontal scaling. Scaling removes the plaque and calculus above and, especially, below the gumline where your toothbrush cannot reach. Planing smoothes root surfaces so it is more difficult for plaque and tartar to accumulate and grow. It also creates a healthy surface for the gums to reattach to the root if necessary.

To schedule a deep cleaning, call 616-784-2377. We are located at 769 York Creek Dr NW in Comstock Park. In addition to providing comprehensive dental cleanings, we create mega-watt smiles for cosmetic dentistry patients in the Rockford and Walker area. See for more information about our state-of-the-art dental practice.

Contact Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 750

Adult Dental Health for Comstock Park Smiles

Preventative Maintenance For Your Irreplaceable Smile In Comstock ParkAt Eric Hull DDS Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park MI, our goal is preventing dental problems and keeping our patient’s smiles healthy and beautiful. We provide general and family dentistry at our Comstock Park dental practice.

Adult Dental Health

As a general and family dentistry practice, we have been treating patients of all ages since 1974.

We have noticed throughout the years is that many parents dismiss their own oral health. Though they vigilantly keep up with their children’s dental visits and cleanings, for some reason, they fail to pay the same attention to their own dental care needs.

How Do You Keep Your Smile Healthy Throughout Your Life?

Let’s talk about adult dental needs. Once you are past the cavity-prone childhood and adolescent years, gum health becomes critical.

Gum Disease is the #1 Cause of Tooth Loss in Adults

Did you know that 47% of U.S. adults have gum disease? In adults, periodontitis (advanced gum disease) is the most common cause of tooth loss. Fortunately, gum disease can be reversed if you catch it in its early stages.


The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. The primary symptoms of gingivitis include red or swollen gums. If your gums hurt when brush or floss, it could be a sign. You may also notice unpleasant breath at times. (Others may notice it as well!) Gingivitis is oftentimes caused bacteria on the teeth and along the gum line. The most common treatment is increased brushing and flossing in addition to more frequent dentist appointments. It’s a good idea to visit your dentist every 3 months for deep cleanings and professional treatment. Your dentist may also prescribe a fluoride rinse.

Early Stage Periodontal Disease

When the infection spreads beneath your gums it allows the harmful bacteria to start attacking the bone holding your teeth in place. This may bring about redness and swelling of the gums, worsening breath and periodic bleeding. Early stage periodontal disease can’t be fully reversed, but your dentist can develop a treatment plan to prevent it from getting worse.

Moderate Periodontal Disease

At this stage, you are at risk of losing teeth. To treat it at this stage, your dentist will need to remove plaque from below the gum line (this same treatment may also be used with early stage periodontal disease) in order to help halt the infection. Since your gums are slowly detaching from your teeth at this stage, surgery can reshape your gums and close the pockets between your gums and teeth. With superb self-care and one of our savvy oral hygienists at your side, you can still save your teeth.

Advanced Periodontal Disease

The last stage of periodontitis requires extensive treatment. Your dentist may recommend surgery to prevent tooth loss. Flap surgery is common for this stage and involves cleaning the actual roots of your teeth by scrubbing behind your gums. Your dentist may also smooth or reshape your damaged bone to restrict bacteria from accumulating.

Why Do You Need Regular Dental Cleanings?

With twice-yearly dental exams and professional cleanings, you can prevent early stage gum disease from advancing to the dangerous stages. During professional dental deep cleanings, our hygienists thoroughly remove the plaque and tartar above and below the gumline. By scaling and planing, they smooth areas to make it more difficult for bacteria to accumulate.

Why Oral Cancer Screenings are Essential

During dental examinations at Eric Hull DDS Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park MI, we look for signs of oral cancer. Oral cancers are cancers in the tongue, mouth, lips, jaw, and throat. Many men and women don’t realize the seriousness of oral cancer.

Consider this unfortunate news from the Oral Cancer Foundation:

When found at early stages of development, oral cancers can have an 80 to 90% survival rate. Unfortunately at this time, the majority are found as late stage cancers, and this accounts for the very high death rate of about 43% at five years from diagnosis

When your dentist performs an oral cancer screening during your dental examination, he/she will look for red or white spots, bleeding, lumps, difficulty swallowing, loose teeth, any color changes, and mouth sores. Is is critical to tell your dentist if your bite has changed, if you have sores that won’t heal, and prolonged hoarseness. An earache in only one ear can also be an indicator.

Having any of these symptoms does not mean you have oral cancer, as they can be caused by other elements. However, if your dentist does something unusual, he/she may order additional tests or refer you to a medical doctor for further diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

We at Eric Hull DDS Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park MI value all aspects of your adult oral health. We serve patients from Ada, Belmont, Grand Rapids, Sparta, Walker and Rockford, MI and also perform cosmetic dentistry, Invisilign, and restoration work. Contact us for an appointment today.

Contact Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 8672

9 Tips For Preventing Gum Disease

prevent gum disease Comstock Park

Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. But it is a preventable disease, and also treatable, at Eric Hull DDS Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park.

Here are some simple ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

  1. Brush your teeth for two to three minutes, at least twice a day, with fluoridated toothpaste. Be sure to brush along the gumline. Don’t brush too hard, but be thorough.
  2. Floss daily to remove plaque from places your toothbrush can’t reach. Don’t like to floss? Try a floss holder, which makes it much simpler to insert floss between teeth.
  3. Although not a substitute for flossing, using a waterpik can help prevent plaque accumulation and keep your enamel strong.
  4. Eat a healthy diet. Starchy and sugary foods increase plaque. A sensible diet provides the nutrients necessary (Vitamins A and C, in particular) to keep teeth and gums healthy.
  5. Don’t smoke, or use smokeless tobacco, which may bring about advanced gum disease or oral cancer. That includes e-cigarettes.
  6. Be aware that certain medications can also threaten a healthy smile. These include oral contraceptives, antidepressants and heart medicines.
  7. Exercise prevention by scheduling regular evaluations — the best way to detect early signs of gum disease and make a plan to reverse it.
  8. Talk to us about dental health topics such as old, broken fillings or crowded teeth.
  9. If you grind your teeth, ask us about ways to protect them.

Prevention is always the best medicine, so brush and floss your teeth twice a day. At Eric Hull DDS Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park we treat gum disease, and people from Ada, Belmont, Grand Rapids, Sparta, Walker and Rockford, MI come to us for Invisalign clear braces, complete cosmetic dentistry, and much more. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Contact Eric Hull DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 8129

Gum Disease Linked To Alzheimer’s: Keep Those Gums Healthy!

gum disease treatment Comstock Park

Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss, but it’s a treatable condition at Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park. Keeping your gums healthy is essential for your overall health, but if you need yet another reason to keep them in good shape we’ve got a doozy.

Scientists have found a connection between a bacterium that causes periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Porphyomonas gingivalis is a bacterium that contributes to chronic periodontitis. It was discovered in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

The researchers concluded:

Chronic periodontitis and infection with Porphyomonas gingivalis have been identified as significant risk factors for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Gum disease is, for the most part, preventable. The best thing you can do to keep from getting it is brush and floss twice a day, and see us for regular cleanings and checkups.

At Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park we treat gum disease, and offer Invisalign clear braces and complete cosmetic and general dentistry services. Patients from Ada, Belmont, Grand Rapids, Sparta, Walker and Rockford MI trust us with their dental health. Call to schedule your next checkup today!

Contact Eric Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 8096

Danger Zone! 5 Signs Of Gum Disease

dental payment plans Rockford

Here is important news for anyone who cares about their dental health: gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss among adults. There is also evidence that it is associated with heart disease. At Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park, gum disease is easy to treat if it is caught in the early stages.

What warning signs should you  look for?

  1. Gums that bleed often
  2. Gums that appear tender, swollen, or very red, or gums that have visible pus in between them when they are pushed
  3. Your bite changes or your teeth suddenly don’t seem to fit together
  4. Gums that are loosening from the teeth
  5. A bad taste in the mouth or chronic bad breath

Even if you aren’t seeing any of these symptoms, keep brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis. We recommend twice each day along with regular dental check-ups in our office. It’s the best way to maintain dental health and prevent gum disease.

At Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park gum disease is a treatable condition. We’ve treated people from Ada, Belmont, Comstock Park, Grand Rapids, Sparta, Walker and Rockford, MI, who also come to our practice for cosmetic dentistry and Invisalign clear braces. Please call to schedule an appointment with us today!

Contact Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 4960

5 Critical Things To Know About Periodontal Disease

gum disease exam Comstock Park

Periodontal disease, commonly called gum disease, is inflammation or infection of the gums. For the most part, periodontal disease is preventable. Yet it is so widespread in the United States that it has been called a health crisis by the American Dental Association. Fortunately, periodontal disease can be treated at Stewart & Hull Aesthetic and General Dentistry in Comstock Park.

  1. If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage such as tooth loss.
  2. Practicing proper dental hygiene and having regular dental cleanings and exams are the best way to prevent periodontal disease.
  3. Periodontal disease can occur without the presence of tooth decay.
  4. Almost half of all 30+ adults in the US have periodontal disease.
  5. In some cases, periodontal disease produces no noticeable symptoms.

Risk factors for periodontal disease include tobacco use, poor oral hygiene (especially failing to floss), genetics, teeth grinding, inflammatory conditions, and poor nutrition.

At Stewart & Hull Aesthetic and General Dentistry in Comstock Park, gum disease can be treated. We offer complete family and cosmetic dentistry services. Call us to schedule an appointment today!

Contact Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 7464

How Much Do You Know About Gum Disease?

gum disease treatment Comstock Park

Do you know that the most common cause of tooth loss among adults is gum disease? At Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park, gum disease is easy to treat if it is detected in the early stages.

Regular check-ups are critical, but there are warning signs for gum disease that everyone should be looking for.

  • Gums that bleed often
  • Gums that are tender, swollen, or very red, or gums that have visible pus in between them when they are pushed
  • A bite that changes suddenly so that your teeth don’t seem to fit together correctly
  • Receding gums
  • A bad taste in the mouth or chronic bad breath
  • Loose or separating teeth

Gum disease is usually the result of poor brushing and flossing habits. When you don’t brush and floss on a regular basis, there is a build-up of plaque, which hardens into a substance called tartar. That’s why we recommend our patients brush and floss twice a day. It’s the best way to prevent plaque from building up.

No amount of brushing and flossing will remove tartar from your teeth. It takes a professional cleaning to remove it, which is why we encourage regular checkups.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, call us at Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry in Comstock Park right away. We offer gum disease diagnosis and treatment, as well as complete family and cosmetic dentistry services. Call for an appointment today.

Contact Stewart & Hull Aesthetic & General Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

769 York Creek Dr NW
Comstock Park, Michigan


ArticleID 7386