Many people are hesitant to call and reschedule dental appointments if they are not feeling well. We appreciate the value these patients place on our time and that they don’t want to leave us with unfilled appointments. However, there are some situations where it is important that patients call to reschedule their appointments with Dr. Stewart.
1. If you have active cold sores–Any time we are working in and around the mouth saliva can be transferred to your eyes or open wounds, or to the eyes and wounds on a member of the dental team. The herpes virus can then damage these areas.
2. If you have an active cold or flu–If you are in the early stages of a cold or any stage of the flu, please reschedule. It is better for your health and the health of the dental team.
3. If you have a heavy cough or congestion. You will not be comfortable with keeping your mouth open for a prolonged period and the bacteria or virus will be airborne, thus possibly infecting the dental team.
We thank you for your thoughtfulness and wish you good health.